‘My Story Growing Up in Dixie’ Part I And Part II

19 Jun


1 Comment

Posted by on June 19, 2008 in heritage, Maryland, South


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One response to “‘My Story Growing Up in Dixie’ Part I And Part II

  1. Tiralleur

    December 4, 2008 at 4:35 AM

    Bravo Monsieur Dixie! Your video is an excellent presentation on the subject of distributism, as advocated by G.K. Chesterton on the other side of the Atlantic, and the Southern Agrarians on our side. I share your despondence over the loss of culture to invaders and usurpers but here in Louisiana, we are faced with the additional threat of becoming the next Atlantis as our coast subsides into the Gulf of Mexico. After Hurricane Katrina we were moved by the response of the rest of the world, but the United States government has made it clear by its actions that Louisiana is expendable, contrary to the effort and lives spent in the Battle of New Orleans, the Teche Campaign, and the Red River Campaign. As Catholics, we know that God created the world with natural law, and the penalty for violating the natural law of procreation (artificial contraception) is national suicide; otherwise we must hope that we can make Copperheads of the Yankee immigrants (a la Clement Vanlandingham) and Confederados of the Latin American immigrants (a la Colonel Santos Benevides of the 33rd Texas Cavalry CSA). Let us follow the examples of Pelayo (Battle of Covadonga) and Charles Martel (Battle of Tours) and recall that “the mercy of Christ will liberate us from this multitude.”


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